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What is Chelation Therapy?

Our body contains thousands of blood vessels. Out of them very many thin vessels which are blocked, get opened with a single Chelation treatment. Chelation Therapy is monitored through IV-drip. The drip enters your blood stream through Vein. The medicine in the drip dissolves your blockages, lowers cholesterol and removes all the free radicals. The free radicals are the toxic molecules of heavy metals. (e.g. Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, Arsenic…..etc.) Chelation therapy removes all the toxic elements from your blood lowering the cause of stroke and heart attacks.

W.H.O. has proved that our 400year back ancestor bones had 2000-times less Lead. This means modern man’s bones contain 2000-times more Lead. Now the question is from where this toxic lead came into the human body. The reason for this is Environmental Pollution, Water Pollution, (chlorinated water) use of pesticides on fruits & vegetables, use of preservatives in tinned food, soft drinks, Sedentary Lifestyle, use of Tobacco & Cigarette. These are some of the reasons for Lead toxicity and other toxic elements getting accumulated in our body. All these toxic elements can only be removed by using Chelation therapy.

How does Chelation Therapy work?

Chelation Therapy slowly removes the free radicals from our blood stream. These Free Radicals are the root cause of all degenerative diseases. (e.g. Heart disease, Cancer, Diabetes, Arthritis, Stroke etc) Chelation therapy not only removes the Free Radicals but also improves the elasticity of hardened arteries by slowly softening plaque deposits (Reversing Endothelium Dysfunction). This increases collateral formation and also increases lumen diameter which increases the blood flow to all the organs of our body. All the organs of our body get good blood flow and Nitric Oxide and so their function is ultimately improved.

Which diseases can be treated by Chelation Therapy?

Chelation therapy is useful for heart disease. Bypass Surgery & Angioplasty can be avoided. Chelation therapy is also useful for Stroke patient, Carotid Artery disease, Blocked Leg arteries, Gangrene, DVT, Varicose veins, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Arthritis etc… It is stated that Chelation Therapy is 300-times safer than Bypass surgery.

Do patients need to get admitted for Chelation therapy?

Chelation Therapy is an out office therapy. Each treatment sitting lasts for 3-hours. And the treatment protocol is 1-sitting or 2-sittings per week. The numbers of sittings depend upon the disease, for example, to avoid bypass surgery 20 to 30 sittings are required.

I am worried! Will I be able to avoid Bypass Surgery?

In order to avoid Bypass Surgery you need to first take Chelation therapy, along with that Lifestyle Modification, Diet Modification, Positive Thinking, Daily Walking,Pranayam etc. These are the permanent changes that you need to do. And a very important thing is that you need to do these things Post Bypass Surgery also. It’s OK that you are worried about your blockage which exists in 2 to 3 inches area of your artery. But, this disease is spread throughout your body. If you do whole body MRI, you will be surprised to know that blockages are spread everywhere, in your leg arteries, neck arteries, arm arteries, in Kidney arteries, lung arteries, inside your brain etc…In these thousands of miles long blood vessels network where and where you will do Bypass. Just Think!!! Therefore, you need to take such a treatment which will not only dissolve blockages but also remove the underlying cause of your disease.

Can Chelation Therapy be taken Post Bypass Surgery?

Yes! Chelation can be taken post bypass surgery. Those patients who have done 1st Bypass surgery some years back & now they are recommended for 2nd Bypass surgery, such patients can also take Chelation Therapy to avoid 2nd Bypass surgery.

Does Chelation therapy damage your Kidney?

No! This is a Myth…..Chelation Therapy will not damage your kidney. On the contrary, it will improve your kidney function. This is proved by scientific reports.

What about safety & side effects?

Chelation Therapy is among the safest medical procedures. More than 1000000 patients have received over Ten Million treatments during the past 50 years. Not a single death is caused directly by Chelation therapy, when administered properly. However some patients may feel some headache, body pain, mild fever etc…which are temporary side effects and these do not remain the next day.

Benefits of Chelation Therapy

  • Improved circulation
  • Reduction of liver produced cholesterol
  • Lowered insulin requirements in diabetics
  • Reduced high blood pressure
  • Normalization of cardiac arrhythmias
  • Relief from leg muscle cramps
  • Reduction in allergic symptoms
  • Normalized weight
  • Improved psychological and emotional status
  • Enhanced sensory performance
  • Fewer excessive heart contractions
  • Lessened varicose vein pigmentation
  • Lightened age spots
  • Fewer aches and pains - arthritic and otherwise
  • Less reliance on pain medication
  • Hair loss stopped and reversed
  • Reversal of impotence
  • Alzheimer symptoms reversed
Ozone Therapy Image

Ozone Therapy

Ozone therapy was discovered in Germany 130 years back.
German doctors were the first to use ozone medically during World War-I to sterilize the battle wounds. In 1870 Dr. Lendar reported that ozone therapy could be used for blood purification. Ozone therapy was used in Germany in the year 1881 to sterile the wounds. From 1925 onwards Dr. Albert Wolf started using ozone therapy for colon cancer cervical cancer and all types of ulcers. In 1925 Dr. Ottu Warburg proved that the cause of cancer was the lack of oxygen at cellular level. For this discovery he was awarded noble prize two times in 1931 and in 1944.

What is ozone therapy?

Medical Grade oxygen (O2) is converted into Ozone (O3) using a machine (ozone generator) and this ozone is used to treat various diseases.

How is ozone therapy given?

Ozone therapy can be given in 30 different ways. For example ozone for ear infection ,ozone enema, vaginal ozone insufflations, ozonated water for all stomach problems, ozonated oil, ozone bagging for non-healing wounds, ozone through blood(Autohemotherapy),ozonated saline, ozone muscular and sub-cutanious injections, ozone injection in spine,etc

Which diseases can be treated by ozone therapy?

Ozone is useful for Non-healing wounds, gangrene, burn wounds, bed sores, circulation disorders (Heart diseases, stroke, High B. P, diabetes and the side effects of these disorders) Ear infection, small and large intestinal disorder, arthritis, premature aging and related disorder, chest cancer, Impotency in male and female, skin diseases, Hepatitis, Herpes, Flu, Degenerative diseases like AIDS and cancer and increase their life span, Parkinson’s, all kinds of allergies, IBS, Asthma. Ozone is also helpful for children suffering from brain disorders like Autism, Cerebral palsy etc.

What are the benefits of ozone therapy?

Each and every cell of your body gets oxygen which increases your immunity; increases the oxygen level in your blood. Blood Pressure & Blood Sugar come under control; Ozone kills all kinds of bacteria, viruses, yeast, and fungus without damaging your blood cells and purifies your blood. Ozone reduces swelling and pain, effective in all brain disorders, improves memory, removes all kinds of Tumor cells from your body. Patients with Hepatitis B & C get benefit, In AIDS patients CD4 & CD8 count increases. Ozone is helpful in uncontrolled Heart beats. When ozone therapy is combined with Chelation Therapy, it works like a Miracle. And above all, Ozone is a cost effective treatment.

Are there any side effects of Ozone Therapy?

In the year 1980, study done by German Medical society which consisted of 650-Doctors administered ozone therapy to 400000-Patients. The result of this was Ozone therapy has 0.000005% side effects. Therefore Ozone is the safest treatment

Why is Ozone Therapy not so popular?

Ozone therapy is taught in the medical colleges of Germany, Europe & Russia. This therapy was not taught in English speaking countries & therefore ozone therapy is not so popular. The other reason is a big medical politics because English speaking countries think Ozone will be a set back to their Million dollar Pharmaceutical Industry and therefore to them as well.

Patient Says:

Mr. Santosh More
Karad Mob:+918855006757

I was suffering from severe arthritis and was bed ridden. I got completely cured by Ozone therapy & I can do my job now.

Mr. Nikhil Chougale,
Akkol Tal-Chikkodi Mob:+919766101471

My father had Non-Healing wounds on his legs. We did all medicines but they were of no use. Ozone therapy cured my father. Now he is walking and doing his job as usual.

Mr. Sunil S Bhambure,
Karad Mob +9198600177115

I had been suffering from severe back pain for the past 5-years. I took ozone therapy & I am completely cured.


Holistic Healing Centre

124/1 Shinde Mala
Bara Dabre Road, Road behind Shivaji Stadium
Karad 415110 Dist. Satara
Maharashtra India

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